Konferencje, seminaria
The 9th Nuclear Energy Congress 2013
The 9th Nuclear Energy Congress 2013
15-17 maja 2013, Pekin, Chiny

China is seeking to become less dependent on energy imports and to cut its reliance on fossil fuels-and authorities see nuclear power as an aid to reaching both of those goals. The country aims to draw 11.4 per cent of its energy consumption from non-fossil fuels by 2015.
China has restarted its nuclear program after a year-and-a-half halt, but said it would build "only a few" new nuclear power plants between now and 2015 as it implemented radical new safety standards. Beijing suspended approvals for new nuclear projects in March last year, following the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility in Japan, and undertook a big review of its nuclear safety practices. China is the world's most enthusiastic builder of nuclear plants and accounts for more than 40 per cent of reactors under construction today, so its shift toward "third generation" will be significant for propelling the use of the new technology. Beijing said new nuclear projects would have to adhere to "the highest safety standards in the world" and that "only a few" new nuclear projects would be approved under the current five-year-plan, which extends to 2015. The cost of upgrading China's nuclear facilities to international standards will be around RMB 80bn ($12.8bn), according to a government assessment released in October.
China Nuclear Energy Congress (CNEC) is the regional annual conference which assembles leaders from all stakeholder groups in nuclear energy. With over 2000+ attendees, CNEC has already grown into a leading world nuclear event; and also attracting other emerging nuclear energy market leaders to participate. 2013 will be another important year for China nuclear energy industry, after gaining the experience from Fukushima, China nuclear energy program will restart again!
For more information, please visit http://www.cdmc.org.cn/2013/cnec/
Mia Chen
Tel: +86 21 6393 1899 Ext 2045
Email: miach@cdmc.org.cn